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Accountability means we embrace our responsibility to give an account for our actions not only to God, but also to each other. We seek transparency and intentionality in all aspects of ministry, which enables us to assess advancement toward our stated purpose and to learn and adapt as we go.  We are accountable for effectiveness, health, alignment to our vision and mission, and financial integrity. 

Relevance   Our mission is to create multiplying communities of believers wherever we go.  As a matter of integrity, we must take specific steps to ensure that each aspect of ministry is moving toward that mission.  Without accountability, it is difficult to be objective about whether we are being faithful to our calling as World Team.

Character is the expression of sound spiritual, mental and ethical traits that mark members of World Team and impact the nature of the ministry we perform.  Christ has called us to be holy, just as He is holy.  We seek this intentionally; our character growing ever more to be like Christ.  

Relevance   Living out godly character reflects the redemptive work of Christ in our lives and brings God glory.  Christ-like character is also vital to our ministry in that it serves as an example to unbelievers as well as to the disciples and leaders we train.  Our desire is that our character legitimize our faith and ministry rather than hinder others in their faith.

Competence refers to both the development of skills needed to carry out the work that we have been called to do and the capacity to perform those skills well.  Like character development, competence is not something we have achieved only once, but is an on-going activity to which we continually devote time, energy and resources in order to develop skills for ministry.

Relevance   As we grow in competence, our capacity to multiply disciples, leaders, and churches grows.  Our vision becomes more achievable.  For this reason, we are committed to a culture of "life-long learning" which offers training that facilitates continuous growth.


Collaboration to accomplish our vision, we partner with like-minded ministries.  These partnerships can involve sharing resources, strengths, expertise, and responsibility for overseeing ministry projects and programs.  

Relevance   The task of reaching all the unreached is too large for any one missional entity to accomplish alone.  Therefore, we engage in relationally based, action-oriented collaboration with other like-minded ministries. This type of collaboration allows us not only to fulfill our mission but also creates opportunity to live out our value to work in teams. 

Community is the experience of God's people sharing in common their relationship with Christ, stimulating each other toward growth in maturity. This instrument, used by the Holy Spirit together with the Bible, transforms Christians individually and corporately through our service to each other. This kind of community operates through voluntary transparency and through speaking and receiving the truth in love. 

Relevance   We need each other.  God made us that way.  We lean on Christ and the multiplicity of spiritual gifts, callings, fruit and roles of other Christians.  In community we are known, we grow, we resist temptation, and we gain humility.  Others, by our transparency, observe that none of us is complete in ourselves and learn it is normal to give and receive counsel and encouragement. 

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