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Multiplying disciples and communities of believers

World Team Australia


World Team exists to glorify God by working together to establish reproducing churches focusing on the unreached

peoples of the world.

Central Ministry Focus

Reach, invest in and equip others to release them

into ministry

Guiding Principles

Gospel-Prayer-Facilitation Teams-Holistic-Incarnational


Accountability Character Competence Collaboration Community

"Go, work today in my vineyard"

Teams multiplying disciples and communities of believers, bringing the Gospel within reach of lost people everywhere we go


The man who beats the drum does not know how far the sound will go. – Congolese Proverb


In 1995 two mission families, RBMU and Worldteam, with a combined legacy of 200 years of missionary service, fused to become the World Team we know today. Generations of faithful saints have gone before us, carrying the gospel message to all who have ears to hear. We will never know how many listened, but we believe God blessed the effort.


Jesus invites us, “Go, work today in my vineyard”. And so we continue the legacy, carrying the banner into the dark places of the earth, trusting Christ to call out His own from among the nations.


In the years since merger, God has opened wide the doors for new ministries among the working class in Taiwan, Cambodia’­s Khmer people, 10/40-window Internationals in NYC, and minority group peoples in Central Asia and Africa. And God is mobilizing a dynamic new missionary force from places like Indonesia, Suriname, the Philippines, and West Indies.


RBMU International traces its roots to Harley Bible College in London, founded in 1873 by the Irish revivalist H. Grattan Guinness.


Worldteam was formed in 1928 as a small Bible Institute in central Cuba by Elmer Thompson and B.G. Lavastida.

WT Ministry Framework Jan 2016.jpg

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+61 (0) 3 9811 0915‬

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25 Chapman Street

Blackburn North

Vic, Australia 3130

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